God may be subtle, but he is not malicious

25 Jan

Albert Einstein said it well

When I was growing up we were members of the “World Wide Church of God”  in Pasadena it was a the sky is falling church and only the chosen will make it when they hear the trumpets, because only Gods people will go when the world is destroyed..or my favorite taught in Sunday school black people are from the tribe of Ham and that is why they are cursed and have bad hair..being the only black child in the Sunday school everyone turned to look at my puffy poms on the side of my head. As a young child I agreed that having to comb through my shoulder length hair was indeed a curse. Pressing combs were instruments of the devil can you imagine putting a hot comb on a fire until it smokes and then burning the hair until it wilts, laying flat like a dead flower. Being that I was tender headed I moved when ever the comb moved, this is dangerous when you have burning metal close to facial skin. Hey the pain and agony of change , regardless that struggle is the instrument to growth, expansion and achievement. It took me 20 years to look in the mirror and know that my strong soft springy curls are beautiful. That what I have is a blessing, embrace it, enjoy it nourish it.

As in most life experiences shared among  people, we usually find that what we think is bad, sometimes ends up being what we needed, even though it may have not been what we thought  we wanted at first.

Thought always manifests itself into tangible form, so always find the good in every challenge, situation, person etc; Rise above what you perceive to be a problem, finding solutions can be as easy as flipping it around and seeing the problem as the actual solution, you never knew you were looking for.


Gotta start some where

24 Jan

How shall we star..  When I Google ” How to Blog”   something was written on another blog about you should think about,

What do I have to offer the world?

Good question!

I know what to offer my husband and the children and even my bosses, but the whole world?

While I am writing this I am getting chills up and down my spine because I know I am on the path to wealth.

The challenge is to make it harmonious wealth and that is what I want to offer the world.

What is Harmonious wealth? Achieving happiness and contentment in all major life areas.

Information to me is not power. Arranging information in a matter that is useful  to your life is power.

When you share powerful information with others to empower themselves to become greater beings you bring prosperity and wealth to your life.

What can I most offer right now ?  How about a quote..

“Dont worry Be happy”

I died from stress in 2007, the doctors called it “Sudden Death Syndrome”  stress is DEATH!

Dead for hours, I passed in Ladera Park while jogging, brought back to life after hours of silent vital signs and a morgue tag on my toe, by my husband.

Dr. Chidi Okonkwo, whom I never believed he was as spiritually powerful as others have told me, used his gift to give me a 2nd chance. Where a slew of Centinela Hospital doctors in Inglewood had signed me off as gone, my husband refused and brought me back. They said I would be brain dead because of the long period of time with no oxygen to my brain, my memory was almost all gone for 30 days, but it recovered fully after 90 days.

Now I have finally shared my story with the world.  I will share other inspirational stories, ideas, pictures what ever will show that life is worth living to the fullest.

This is a reminder to me too!

Sometimes I forget I clearly got a 2nd chance so I really better make use of it.

Thanks for reading xoxox